Sunday, August 16, 2009

Worry-free life

Casting all cares to God is a Worry-free life
Apr 21, '09 8:28 AMfor everyone

Have you thought of your problems lately? What will happen in the future after this economic crisis? What will happen to your life after school, work or retirement? Have you started to worry on something, or all things?
Some worry about what might be said. Others worry about what hasn't been said. Some worry about what might happen. Others worry about what hasn't happened which should have happened by now. Others worry about their future while others fret over the consequences of their past actions. (Sadly more than 1 applies to me)
"Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do, but does'nt get you anywhere!" Worry just gives us headaches, wrinkles, loneliness, more problems.. Indeed, according to a song don't worry, be happy! Smile often it lightens your feelings of "carrying the whole world" thing..
We were created to live abundant lives in our mind, our body, and our spirit. Like a flower we were meant to blossom, not to wither on the vine.
Life gives us second chances, to learn from our mistakes! We should not worry instead put Jesus in charge of your worries. "Casting the whole of your care- all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all - on Him; for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully. - I Peter 5 :7 AMP"

with texts from God's Little Devotional Book for Women

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