Sunday, August 16, 2009


Communication is the Key
Dec 4, '08 6:43 AMfor everyone

Communication: a very important means to understand one another.
There are lot of ways to communicate: a phone, a computer, a note left in a refrigerator or side table, a gesture using parts of our body. But oftentimes, we prefer to use this means, neglecting the BEST WAY to communicate: to sit down with someone open your heart out in talking and opening ears to listen..
Talking and listening (not just hearing) is a way to express our self, what we really mean. And it starts at home, wherein communication is very important. If communication line is open, members of the family will feel free to express her/himself: love, hate, insecurity, depression, loneliness, happiness, anger, pain,etc..
Therefore, parenting is very crucial during the tender age of children wherein they learn to speak and listen to others. Showing that communication line is open to them by their parents and siblings, later in life, they will be willing to share what is happening to them in school, work and in all aspects of their life.
According to an advertisement,the more often parents talk to their children, the less often they are to smoke, drink and try drugs. Since children feel loved at home, they will not seek it from friends and other people outside their homes.
So, start communicating NOW..during eating dinner together or a family affair in the beach, mall or just in a sofa..before its too LATE!

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