Sunday, August 16, 2009

Typhoon Frank and Flood

frank and flood
Jun 21, '09 3:18 AMfor everyone

Its already a year after typhoon frank and 6-feet of muddy flood flashed on us! I wasn't supposed to revisit the tragic event but it reminded me of how God has calmed the storms of our lives and the strength God granted us to move on and start all over again..
I also scanned the pages of my sort of diary I've written from June 20 up to June 23, 2008. Let me share a piece of it: "June 20 - There was a brownout early evening and after midnight due to heavy rains..June 21 - Still brownout and stormy. Flood water started to fill up the house in a millisecond after lunch, until only two steps of the stairs to the second floor was seen. Three families were in our house all soaked with rain and muddy flood water and we shared a pot of rice and few pieces of dried fish ('uga'). June 22-23 - Still calf-high of mud and no sun was seen in the sky eventhough it was not raining. No electricity, no phone signal and a little of food".. It was nauseating to see and smell mud for almost two weeks, and after that tons of dusts everywhere!...
During these days, we asked: " Is it the worst disaster or just a preview of the worst to come? Is it a "delubyo', the end of the world?
Some thought so since it happened on June 21 (June is the 6th month of the year), in Region 6 and the flood is due to typhoon Frank (F is the 6th letter of the alphabet). What does it suggest? 666!
It is for us to examine our lives.. are we ready for the end of the world? Trust God through His son Jesus Christ and we will be ready anytime at world's end..

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