Sunday, August 16, 2009

Success versus Failure

success vs. failure
May 19, '09 4:59 AMfor everyone

Here I go again, typing what's on my mind.. my modern - day diary: blogging!
But, I don't know where to start,.. thoughts just "rushing" to my mind if I will not keep myself busy. If I just sit down doing nothing or lay my head on a pillow even if I'm not sleepy, boom!..tons of thoughts! Actually, there are a lot of work to be done when at home, I'm just too lazy to do such stuff.. I feel better watching tv/movie,or listen to music...surfing the net..
I am thinking, Is 10 years of teaching a gauge for success? Is that already an achievement? or still a failure? Am I worrying or am I contented with what I achieved?
Well, I don't know the secret to success but " the key to failure is to try ro please everyone"! People will always have an opinion about what we say or do. If we mind the opinion of others, then, we are a failure!
We should learn to look up for inspiration, for strength, for hope that continued success will be ours..Not sideways or around us, it will only bring us desperation, our nothingness compared to them, our limitations, our failures!... But to bown down and live our lives according to words of the Bible - God's opinion! Success is not always the key to happiness!
" Guilt is concerned with the past. Worry is concerned about the future. Contentment enjoys the present"

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