Sunday, August 16, 2009

God's Love

God's Love: a reflection for Holy Week '09
Apr 9, '09 12:39 AMfor everyone (via

Since I was a young people (even a sunday school student) at church, I am reminded of the kinds of love (whether its a lecture on LCM on february or on Holy Week) : filial, eros, or agape. Most importantly discussed is Agape- God's Love!

How will I describe God's Love?
1. HE Reveals... (Psalms 103:6-7) He revealed His plans trough a lot of biblical heroes like:
(a) Moses - God revealed His love through His provisions, His directions, His plans and promise to the Israelites of a land flowing with milk and honey.
(b) Joseph (my favorite biblical hero) - who was traded by his brothers but because of God's love, he sent Joseph to Egypt to reveal His perfect plan to support his family for a coming famine..
(c) David - who was a "nobody" among his brothers, but God's love revealed that although he was young and a shepherd, he was annointed to be a King.
God has perfect plans to be revealed to us, all we have to do is to search and accept God 's love, waiting with faith for the perfect time it will be granted to us!

2. He Satisfies... (Psalms 103:5)
As little children, we want the best toys, clothes that will satisfy us. But God's love satisfies us, not of wealth and riches but we know God is always there to provide us our NEEDS, to heal our diseases, to guide and protect us!

3. His Love Encompasses all... (Psalms 103:8)
As I was/is/will be taking care of my niece/nephew, I am thinking will they love me back? One thing is for sure, I am hopeful that when they grow up, I will experience their love!
That is God's love, eventhough we are stubborn, He still loves us! God knows we will love Him because He first loved us!

4. He forgives... (Psalms 103:3)
Human as we are, eventhough we have asked for forgiveness, we continue to be sinners and we can't even forgive those who have sinned against us. But God's love is different- He forgives! We feel guilty that God will punish us for our sins, but He didn't - He suffered on the cross for us and continues to forgive and forgive us...!

5. His Love lasts forever... (Psalms103:15-18)
God's love gives us happiness, satisfaction that will last forever!
God choses us from among the people, so let us love the LOrd with all our hearts, with all our strength and with all our might! Let us say to the Lord: "love you so much, JESUS, love you so much!"

You might feel (like I do), sometimes, left out, unloved, unnoticed..but that does not mean you're alone! You have friends who stand by you, family who care for you and support you, and of course a God who loves you! Isn't that the most important in life?

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