Sunday, January 3, 2010


Expectations, we all have them!
As the New Year starts, we expect that we will have a better year than before. We expect people to change, forgetting that we should change, as well. We expect we will have successful career, that is better pay or higher position. We expect we will have great relationships, faithful friendships, better health, easy and happy life.
But what do we do when life doesn't live up to our expectations? We easily get discouraged and ask God why?! Many of us haven't live up to our expectations, a huge part of our lives centers around anticipation when God will grant us what we expected. We anticipate life's enjoyment not sorrow, fun not challenges, celebration not disppointment or comfort not sacrifice.
As we begin this year to have a better ending, let us dwell on our HOPE instead of hopelessness, FAITH instead of dismay, LOVE instead of anger, anticipation of God's will instead of expected sorrow because our God will keep us strong in achieving our expectations!

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