Sunday, April 16, 2017

An Empty Tomb

As christians, we are called Easter people.  Easter is a Christian church festival that celebrates the return of Jesus Christ to life following His death. (Merriam Dictionary). This day commemorates the resurrection of Christ from death, with the proof that the tomb where He lay was empty!  What does an empty tomb mean? Based on the scriptures it tells us:
1.          Don’t Be Afraid.  Human as we are, we fear a lot of things that surround us.  Some of it we are able to overcome, some of it we dread. 
a.         Health – as we grow older or as we lack rest from our daily activities, we face problems in our health.  This fears some of us, as it may cause us expenses, broken relations or even death.
b.        Wounded soul – as individuals, we are prone to sins.  We sometimes fail to reconnect to God and thus cause us wander away from the comforting hand of God.
c.        Emptiness – when we have nothing, maybe money, time, relationship, successes, we may feel we have no value at all in life.
d.        Life’s situation – where we are, and who we’re with is a situation in life we are afraid of.  We may want to escape from reality, because we feel burdened and we cannot deal with it.
2.       Believe He is Not Here – Like Jesus, who was ressurrected from the grave, God will be able to let us out of the tomb of hopelessness, self-centerdness, sinfulness, sickness and our worries. Believe that Jesus did not remain in the tomb so what besets us will not be here.
3.       Go and Tell – Jesus Christ’s resurrection reminds us to share His goodness, His power and victory over death to others!  (with points from HEC’s minister’s sermon – Pastor Nimrod Morales)

In life, we may feel empty, that is, having nothing or the feeling of no value to others or we feel we are valued for just a simple reason and we are buried with problems in life’s  situation that we are in.  Just remember, an empty tomb is Jesus’ triumph over all trials, just so with Christ we will be resuurected from the tomb of problems in life.  Believe and Share.

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